Class Information


Day Training Sessions Available

Reserve Your Spot TODAY!

See Below for Information

1) To reserve your space, fill out, scan and email your registration and vaccination forms to

    Dominion Dog Training prior to the first class.  
2) To access the registration forms, click on the class name:

     a) Basic Obedience

          b) Day Training - Basic

     c) Intermediate Obedience

     d) Canine Good Citizen

     e) To download Adobe Reader, click HERE.
3) Scan and email your Registration, Liability, & Vet Records

    to, or bring to the first night of class.

4) Vaccination record can be the receipt you received from your vet with dates of last


5) Bring full payment (cash/check) to the first class, or pay via Venmo (Dominion-DDT). 

Class Requirements:
1) All dogs must be fully vaccinated with proof of vaccinations from owner's veterinarian. 2) All intact female dogs must be out of season by at least 14 days.

FAQs on Classes

Foundational Classes:
Basic Obedience - 5-week program (5, 1-hour sessions) - $200*
Our "Instinctual Learning" method of teaching you how to be a good pack leader by learning the fundamentals of controlling, not dominating, your dog through a variety of basic exercises and behavioral skills.  We work with you and your dog to Master the Walk, Sit, Down, Stay, and Come.  We also customize each class based upon each client's specific issues or behavioral problems.   

For puppies and dogs 3 months and up.

  • Dog Psychology/Behavior Orientation- The first class is our Orientation where only the owners attend (No Dogs attend this class).  During this class, we teach you about the basics of dog psychology and behavior.  We do this so you can learn to understand how your dog thinks and interprets your behavior.  Understanding the basic constitution of a dog will help you to more effectively train your dog to listen and learn.
  • Bring a 2nd dog from the same household the 2nd dog is 1/2 off the regular price.

Day Training Program - 3 days/week for 3 weeks (T, W, Th) - $850
Basic obedience and manners training for your dog while you are at work!  This option will teach your dog the fundamentals of obedience, and include creating respect, attention, and relaxation within your dog. What does my dog learn?  Loose leash walking, Off, Leave It, Sit/Down, Stay, Come, and Attention to Name. While with us your dog will receive several one-on-one training sessions throughout the day for three weeks.  Your dog may also attend Doggy Daycare or Boarding during the program at Hope Animal Clinic.  For Information, click HERE

For puppies and dogs 3 months and up.
Skills Transfer Classes – This is for you to learn how to work with your dog and his/her new skills. 

Private Sessions:
Private 1-on-1 Training (Now virtually, too) - In-Home, On Location, In-Facility Sessions Available - $90/hr.
If you have specific behavioral issues or a conflicting schedule with the above classes, then private instruction may be best for you.  We work with you and your dog to determine the source of the behavioral/psychological problem and work with you to correct it.  We give you instructions on how to continue working with your dog to maintain or further your success.  In-Home and In-Facility privates are priced based upon your needs and the number of dogs we are working with to resolve your concerns.  We try to be flexible in scheduling sessions at the most convenient time for all parties.   There may be additional charges for customers that are outside of our service area.

Advanced Classes:

Intermediate Obedience - 5-week program (5, 1-hour sessions) - $200
This class will focus on building reliability for those who want more from their dogs.  The course will cover intermediate work on Sit, Down, Long Stays and Recalls (Come When Called). It will also cover heeling on-leash, attention & distraction work, and the beginning steps of off-leash handling.  Dogs 6 months and up.

AKC's Canine Good Citizen Course - 5-week program (5, 1-hour sessions) - $200
The AKC's two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs.   It is a great course for your dog to become a better community member or prepare for therapy work.  Your dog will be able to get his/her 10-step CGC certification to become an outstanding canine citizen.  Prerequisite: Basic Obedience, or trainer evaluation.  Dogs 6 months and up.

Evaluations - $50
This is an optional 1/2-hour session that can be used to assess your dog regarding a variety of issues, such as, behavioral issues, class suitability issues, class or private in-home session decisions, dog's ability to meet minimum requirements to attend a particular class, etc.  This option is assist clients in answering questions about their training needs.